News, Fiction Updates & General MusingsJuly Progress Report: Re-Writing, Editing, & ‘Other Projects’
Time for something a little bit different today. In catering for my writing friends, it’s easy to forget that some readers aren’t actually that interested in what I have to say about writing, and just want the latest on my projects. I’ve decided for this reason to set up a monthly progress report, of sorts, to keep you in the loop of goings-on.
Unconventional Marketing: Three Unique Ways to Promote Your Book
Getting noticed is tricky. Sure, us writers are lucky having the internet at our fingertips, but sometimes, when social media doesn’t seem to be getting us anywhere, it becomes easy to doubt its influence.
Whilst I am an advocate and trumpet-blower for social media, the scramble to get noticed amongst a wave of spammers can feel like an uphill struggle. Here are a few unconventional marketing methods to help spread the word of your book and author website.
Why I Don’t Hate Fifty Shades of Grey
I realise that the following words are not the most popular, but I have a confession to make: I don’t dislike Fifty Shades of Grey quite as much as some people.
No, I haven’t read Fifty Shades of Grey, and no, I don’t really intend to. But, put the literature aside, and E.L. James presents a major shift in the self-publishing landscape.
Approaches to Writing: Finding Voice through Self-Reflection [Guest Post]
This is a guest post by K.C. Mead
In an interview with Glimmer Train magazine for their 2010 article, Close-Up: Approaches to Writing, author Thomas E. Kennedy explains the importance of journaling for his writing life:
“I was seventeen, and four years of keeping a journal more or less everyday – sometimes just a couple of sentences, sometimes many pages, sometimes with gaps of weeks or even months—did indeed get me in the habit of writing, and writing freely.”
Google AdSense – Is it Really Worth It?
A few of you might have noticed that I dabbled with Google AdSense last week.
For those of you who aren’t already aware: AdSense is a program run by Google, in which you can throw a few adverts on your website, and make a little bit of cash. In the end, I decided it wasn’t worth it over the long-run.
The Book Edit: Ways to Keep Busy Whilst Waiting
Sending your baby off to an editor is both an exciting yet daunting experience.
Sending your book to an editor, probably less so, but you see what I did there. If you’re looking to me for comedy, I offer my services at competitive rates.
One thing that I have found hard to adjust to is the sudden void in my life now that my book is with an editor. I’ve nothing to go back and tweak, nothing to tamper with for the tenth time. I’m simply waiting for my judgement.