Ebook Pricing: The Bloody Big Dilemma

NOTE: Some interesting debates developing in the comments section. Please let your opinion be heard! In my five months of blogging and scouring other writing blogs, I’ve seen a lot of talk surrounding the topic of eBook pricing. It seems to be that one topic us...

Physical Books: Are They Still Relevant?

Not a week goes by without another article about the death of physical books, and parallel rise of the ebook. August saw eBook sales overtake print sales on Amazon, with something like 114 ebooks sold for every 100 paperbacks. Just this week, Digital Book World...

Self-Publishing Myth #3 – Self-Publishing is Easy

This is the latest in a series of posts dispelling self-publishing myths. Part one is Self-Publishing Means Inferior Quality, part two is Self-Published Authors Don’t Sell Any Books. After the success of the first two instalments of this little series, I asked...