Everybody loves a freebie, don’t they?
Well, good, because I’m giving away 10 free copies of my new eBook, Something in the Cellar.
The rules really couldn’t be any simpler. Just tweet the following phrase:
Give me a #free #kindle copy of Something In The Cellar NOW, Ryan! http://amzn.to/OFYUli
And that’s it! Your name will automatically go into the hat. Every tweet counts as an extra entry, too! So if you tweet five times, you’ll be entered five times.
Remember to tweet the Amazon link included, too, or it won’t count as an entry I’m afraid.
Oh, and also, posting on Facebook or some place like that also counts. Just make sure you drop a comment in the comments box below if you do use Facebook, with photo proof, ’cause it’s harder to trace without the hashtags, etc. I can track Twitter easily anyway, so no need for proof there, but it would help even more so if you left a comment below. Maybe just a line to say ‘Done it!’, or whatever.
You don’t have to own a Kindle to enter. Just download this free software to your computer, Mac, tablet, or smartphone.
If you want to buy a copy anyway, just visit this link if you’re in the UK, or this in the US.
The competition will end at 6pm BST on Saturday, which is around 9am in PST, I believe. Winners will be announced on the blog tomorrow.
Get tweeting, people!