Three Useful Ways to Develop a Novel Idea

  So, you followed last week’s little walkthrough and think you have a decent idea to work with? Congratulations! You’ve just about passed the stage that most aspiring writers stumble at. But, before you get too generous with the champagne, hold fire, because...

The pain of the waiting game…

It’s officially ten days since I slammed down those two words that all aspiring authors dream about: THE END. Celebrations followed, and after advice from a fellow author and several resources, I made a vow not to tinker with my first draft for a few weeks. It gives...

The first draft is complete!

Note: bloody long post ahead. Read on to learn about the future of this blog. Or, if you’d rather just get involved in a little social experiment, scroll to the *. Yes! It is complete! After around nine months of hair-pulling, teeth-grinding, and...