Killing Time-Killing: Ending Smartphone Addiction

I have an addiction. It’s an addiction that I know I’m not alone in having. It’s an addiction that is clear to see at family gatherings, on public transport, even in cinemas and on nights out. It’s an addiction that can affect anyone of any...

Ebook Pricing for 2014/15: A Simple Guide

Ah, yes. That time of year again. It goes without saying that ebook pricing is one of the most contested, debated, and downright despised topics by the majority of writer-publishers today. Do I price low to attract readers to my series? Price high to maximise income?...

How To Plan A Novel: A Pantser’s Guide

Yes, I’m back. After several months away from non-fiction blogging, it had to take something really special to bring me back. And while there’s a whole host of things I could say about the current Amazon/Hachette war occurring, instead I’m going to...

How To Make A Living Writing Fiction

Making a living writing fiction is probably up there with desert island caretaker and secretary to a zillionaire as one of the most appealing jobs in the world. People daydream about… well, daydreaming and putting it on paper for a living. What they don’t...