Two Years In Publishing

I woke up this morning like I do every morning — groggy, thirsty, and wishing I could stay in bed a little longer. Then I realised it is my second anniversary in publishing and I felt less groggy for a few seconds before rolling over and going back to sleep. In...

How To Plan A Novel: A Pantser’s Guide

Yes, I’m back. After several months away from non-fiction blogging, it had to take something really special to bring me back. And while there’s a whole host of things I could say about the current Amazon/Hachette war occurring, instead I’m going to...

How To Make A Living Writing Fiction

Making a living writing fiction is probably up there with desert island caretaker and secretary to a zillionaire as one of the most appealing jobs in the world. People daydream about… well, daydreaming and putting it on paper for a living. What they don’t...