Write What Terrifies You

I started writing a new book today. I don’t like talking about my work in progress while working on them, especially in the early stages (which kind of shits all over the idea of a blog but hey), but one thing became immediately clear: this book is dark. Now...

Does Writing Get Easier Over Time?

Today’s blog topic comes courtesy of a question from reader Kati. Kati wanted to know whether the novel writing experience gets easier with more experience. Specifically, she wondered whether I noticed any changes in my writing speed over time. So for example,...

Saturday Writing Prompt

Bit of a cheat post today because I’ve been busy formatting the two Blake Dent books for launch next week, but I’ve been reading a great book called Million Dollar Productivity by Kevin J. Anderson and wanted to share an excellent quote with you. It ties...

Writing What Sells: A Good Idea?

I have a confession to make. Earlier this summer, I wrote a romance novel. Now this isn’t too hard a stretch of the imagination. All of my books, even the darkest ones, have romance at the core. After all, romance is something that binds each and every one of us...

A Lot of a Little Adds Up to a Lot

Writing away on my work in progress, I didn’t think I was all that far into it. It feels like I’ve had a pretty slow September for some reason. I’ve been averaging around a scene a day, maybe a scene and a half, which is pretty low to me. Figured...

The Mid-Book Struggle: How to Conquer it

So, day one of my new blog a day for a year regime, and I think I’ve got exactly the topic. At first, I sat down with a pad and noted down a few blog ideas, but then I decided it’d be best if I just tackle issues I’m experiencing, or things...