Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

It’s December 24th, so I figured I’d better write a little note to say thank you for all the support in 2014. I’m sitting at my writing computer with the notes from my current work in progress beside me. I’ll speak a little more about this WIP...

Another Year

Hi everyone, So, it’s not quite 2015 yet, but I figure we’re close enough to the end of the year to talk about the next stage of my career, and what to expect in terms of new releases in the next twelve months. First, a bit of reflection. In November, I...

Ten Novels Later…

I realised something amazing when I wrote the final words of my latest work in progress, Sunlight. I just finished my tenth novel. It’s a really amazing realisation for me considering I started writing around five years ago. To be honest, I’d completely...

A Lot of a Little Adds Up to a Lot

Writing away on my work in progress, I didn’t think I was all that far into it. It feels like I’ve had a pretty slow September for some reason. I’ve been averaging around a scene a day, maybe a scene and a half, which is pretty low to me. Figured...

Two Years In Publishing

I woke up this morning like I do every morning — groggy, thirsty, and wishing I could stay in bed a little longer. Then I realised it is my second anniversary in publishing and I felt less groggy for a few seconds before rolling over and going back to sleep. In...